Call for volunteers at Amplifi - join us!
We need you! Amplifi is powered and nurtured by a group of dedicated volunteers, bringing together skills, knowledge and energy to drive action in local businesses. As we gain momentum, we continue to need support in lots of different areas.

Listed below are details of the different roles and areas in which we require support, seeking skills from administration to project management to finance and more. Life is very full and time is precious but with lots of us, each taking on small chunks of this important work, we can achieve great things.
If you feel able to take on any of the responsibilities listed here or simply would like some more detail, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Please help us to continue this important work, for our community and for our planet. We know that we will go faster if we work together.
Within each sector:
(The Amplifi team is full of businesses that have sustainability on their agendas but this can mean very different things depending on what type of business you are. We have created sector groups to keep discussions and actions as focused and constructive as possible.)
Reporter: Take notes and actions from the quarterly meetings, circulate to the group and liaise with the Amplifi team to get them online. 4-5 hours every quarter
Promoter: Seek out interesting, best practice stories from across the sector and work with the Amplifi team to promote these. This helps to boost awareness of what we’re doing, inspire others and promote local businesses. 8-10 hours per month
Recruiter: Seek out other businesses in your sector to join Amplifi. 8-10 hours per month
Within Amplifi:
3-6 x special projects volunteers: There are lots of ideas coming out across the Amplifi community (see below) and we are looking for 3-6 volunteers to make these a reality. 8-10 hours per month
3 x writers: We are looking for writers to help bring information and stories to the Amplifi community. 5-10 hours per month
Treasurer: To manage finance. 2-5 hours per month
Administrator: We are looking for extra admin support to help us deliver some of our initiatives. This could be creating a survey, sending comms, liaising with marketing to help promote what businesses are doing, etc. 8-10 hours per month
Special projects
Education: Develop a programme of film evenings in Tunbridge Wells, showcasing documentaries about climate change, with talks / discussions afterwards
Partnerships: A challenge that many organisations face is time in implementing the changes required. We are looking to partner with education institutions to pair university students with charities (initially, and then businesses after) to deliver emission reduction programmes
Promotion: Set up an Amplifi podcast:
Identify topics
Franchising: Help to develop an Amplifi pack, with a step by step guide to setting up Amplifi in other locations.
Roadmap planning: A project management role to help capture ideas, prioritise and keep us all on track to deliver regular activities. Programme manager?
Direct and support members: education / tools / introductions / signposting
And more to come…
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